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Unlocking Opportunities: Key Export Trade Credit Insurance Trends in 2024

Have you prepared your business for the unpredictability of the upcoming year? The last decade has seen several upheavals that have caused the need for trade credit insurance to be greater than ever.  This becomes especially evident when we start to discuss handling trade exports.

You need to engage with the credit insurance industry to protect your business, however, would you know how to do so or why?

These days, many companies and banks struggle with the complexities of such policies. In this article, we'll explore what you can expect from them moving forward through the year. This way, you can stay ahead of the curve should you need this insurance in case of an export downturn. 

Read on to learn more about how you can safeguard your business in the evolving worldwide business landscape. It's time to discover new insurance opportunities in 2024.

Adapting to the Current Global Economic Climate

The global economy is often hard to predict, especially when specific events cause a sudden and drastic shift. Businesses need to be agile and responsive to changes to mitigate risks and also seize opportunities that might appear.

Export accounts receivable insurance plays a crucial role in safeguarding against non-payment. It focuses on offering security after events such as:

  • Economic disruption
  • Geopolitical tensions
  • Shifting trade policies
  • Riots and revolution

In specific terms, several economic shifts in 2023-2024 have led to credit risk management being on everyone's mind.

Brexit's upheaval may have now finally settled, but new events continue to shift the needle. The US-China trade war, for example, has led to increased tariffs when exporting, affecting several industries. At the same time, sanctions on Russia have largely isolated it from international trade. 

Companies can mitigate some geopolitical risks, such as by diversifying where they trade, however, it is not always enough. For this reason, businesses are adapting by seeking out export trade credit insurance to help them through the worst events.

Considering 2024 Credit Insurance Industry Regulatory Changes

Any industry analysis of 2024 would bring up the fact that new regulations are likely to cause further issues that will result in:

  • Increased export scrutiny
  • Changes in policy terms demanding restructuring
  • New compliance demands that impact your existing export process

While governments may often introduce policies to help support the export of certain goods, you cannot rely on them. This is especially true when one side of the trade process remains stricter enough to maintain such a limitation.

Examples of issues a business may want to keep an eye on include:

The American 2024 election may cause significant changes in the US's economic policies, depending on the outcome. This is not only true if the president changes, though. The incumbent administration has overhauled several regulations and may continue to do so.

Reforms are also occurring in the UK, with anti-greenwashing laws and post-Brexit changes expected. These are expected to continue past 2024, as the country attempts to assert itself once again on the global market.

The March of Technology on Risk Assessment

You may wish to consider the impact of ongoing technological advances on the trade credit insurance industry. With AI, for example, we are already seeing improved accuracy and efficiency in how risk assessments occur. "Big data" concepts are also giving companies much more information to predict how creditworthy a business is.

With all these new methods, we can expect policy management to streamline, and more companies to take up insurance policies. With all the reasons to sign up for accounts receivable insurance mentioned above, we can expect a sudden uptick as it becomes easier to access.

At the same time, AI and data analytics will make it much easier to detect and respond to fraud attempts. This will make it a much more stable industry in general, making it more useful to those needing insurance moving forward. 

Normalization of Advanced Artificial Intelligence Use

We shouldn't expect the advancement of AI in all walks of life to slow down. If anything, it is accelerating as new uses come to the fore.

The world is becoming more used to the introduction of this technology in daily business. AI algorithms can analyze huge amounts of data. As such, they can now predict things like payment defaults and market trends with increased accuracy.

This reduces human error and speeds up the whole insurance underwriting process. Businesses can make faster decisions with such automated analysis. They can even tailor insurance solutions to specific businesses or banks based on the vast knowledge available on each one.

In summary, this is one of the fastest-developing technologies available right now. As such, expect updates to continue appearing almost weekly.

Handling Ongoing Changes With Non-Cancelable Plans

During the pandemic, we saw that companies with more resilient supply chains were able to withstand disruptions. This, sadly, was of no help when buyers were unable to pay or when governments interfered with the flow of revenue.

In many cases, collaborating with a broker who can ensure financial security may be the thing between a company and bankruptcy. As such, we are now seeing that non-cancelable policies are becoming more popular due to the assurances they give. These policies guarantee coverage even if the insurer's risk assessment changes.

This does not mean that other strategies are not relevant, though. Any business should continue to take steps such as:

  • Diversifying suppliers
  • Maintaining buffer stock
  • Securing multiple goods sources
  • Opening offices in more stable locations

These steps will ensure that you can continue even when your prior partners begin to suffer significant problems.

Finding an Insurance Partner That Works for You

It is more important than ever to stay informed about the trade credit insurance industry. Updates occur every day, so having the best information will ensure you get the most appropriate insurance deal on the table.

KHA has long-standing expertise in this field. They can guide you toward a policy that is best based on not only your own unique business but also the current state of the world. So, reach out to KHA today and make sure your business is ready for the challenges in the year ahead.